Friday, November 17, 2006

Call to Worship: Introduction

In the last blog posting, I asked the question: what is your purpose in life? I briefly examined the first question of the Westminster Confession as the answer to the posed question. I have been pondering several different options for a new series of postings. Hence, a new series is on the brick. The new series is entitled Call to Worship.
This new series will look at various aspects of biblical worship. The series will also look into some of the great hymns of the faith, along with modern praise and worship choruses.
We are called to worship. Since this is our calling, we must know what biblical worship is and what it is not. Much of what is "labeled" as worship is not worthy of being called worship at all for a facet of reasons, which will be addressed in the series as well.
The purpose of the Call to Worship series is to bring about biblical worship in our lives, both privately and corporately. To God be the glory and honor.
Praise God from whom all blessing flow,
Praise him all creatures here below;
Praise him above, you heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

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