Friday, October 20, 2006

Is There More to Life?

Yesterday I was asked a question by someone who honestly wants to know the answer to his question. Yet, any answer that is given as an attempt to his question is ignored. This individual ignores the answers given simply because he desires to find the answers for himself. Yet, he is yearning for answers that make sense.

The question that was posed yesterday was: Is there more to life? The philosophical outlook of this individual is that of Solomon--eat, drink, and be merry. Yet, he realizes that this philosophy is not filling the great void in his life. But he is not to the point to acknowledge that "man cannot find the ultimate explanation of his own being anywhere but in God himself" (Edward Sillem).

But he is starting to come to grasps with the fact that "there is within every soul a thirst for happiness and meaning." This quote comes from the insight of Thomas Aquinas. But he has yet found the source for satisfying his soul's thirst for true happiness and meaning in life. He still feels that the words of Voltaire are true: "Life is a bad joke."

More to come on this individual's journey . . .

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