Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Power of a Simple Sneeze

God never ceases to amaze me. At times it is strange how God gets my attention, while at other times it seems obvious what God is doing.

I can only imagine what is being thought by those who read the title to this blog entry. I must admit the title is a bit puzzling. I will never again think the same way about a sneeze again. Roughly a month ago, my views on the simple sneeze changed forever. With suffering from allegeries for most of my life, I am accustom to sneezing on a regular basis, and frankly I have never given much thought about it before until several weeks ago.

Walking along at my normal pace, I simply sneezed...But this sneeze caused me to stop and think. There was something different about this sneeze. I hoped that the sensation of pain that I was feeling was just a pulled muscle or a strain on a muscle. This past week I learned that the sensation of pain that I have been feeling since that sneeze is going to require the medical attention of a surgeon. Thus, this is the story behind the title of this blog entry.

With being constantly busy and on the go, there are times that God gets my attention in strange and mysterious ways so that he can remind me to be still and know that he is God.

Take sometime out of your busy schedule and be still and reflect of who God is and what he is doing in your life!

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