Saturday, September 02, 2006

Love the Lord with Your Entire Being: Part I

Meditation on Mark 12:28-34

This is the first in a new series of postings. As previously mentioned in the introduction to this series, the information shared in this series has stemmed from an in-depth study that I started this past Spring.

The primary focus of this series will be focusing on the development of the Christian mind. It is crucial that Christians develop their minds intellectually. There are numerous reasons why believers need to develop their minds. But in this posting I am only going to mention one reasons (additional reasons will follow in future postings).

The development of the Christian mind is crucial for Christians because believers are called to be different from the world in their thinking.

Christians are to have a different worldview from that of the world. And the only way that followers of Christian can have a distinctly different worldview from the world is to develop their minds. Reading through the Bible in a systematic and expositional method is the best way to begin the process of developing the Christian mind. In addition to reading Scripture, the Christian mind can be developed by reading the biblically sound Christian books and authors. Do not just read modern authors. Pick up and read the Puritans and the Reformers. Read the writings of the great theologians, Augustine and Aquinas (just to mention two).

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