Saturday, January 06, 2007

Thought to Ponder

As I have driving back and forth to work this week, I pass by a church that has a sign out front with the following words on it: Not Resolution But Regeneration.

I am quite sure they posted the sign for the new year since many at this time of year make new year resolutions as I mentioned in a previous posting. I agree with the logic and theological truth behind the words posted on the church's sign. People are in need of regeneration more than they are of resolution(s).

But here is my thought to ponder--what impact does this sign have for those who have truly experienced God's saving grace? Are believers not to seek out resolution? Cannot resolution at times mean reconciliation?

If you look up the word in a dictionary, you will learn that is is the case. In fact here is the dictionary definition of resolution:

1. resolving of something: the process of resolving something the resolution of a difficulty

2. joint formal expression of opinion: a formal expression of the consensus at a meeting, arrived at after discussion and usually as the result of a vote

3. decision: a firm decision to do something

4. determination: firmness of mind or purpose

5. electronic engineering reproduction of detail in an image: the level of reproduction of detail offered by a TV or computer screen or a film image

6. solution: an answer to a problem

7. physics chemistry separation into constituent parts: the process or act of separating something such as a chemical compound or a source of light into its constituent parts

8. medicine subsiding: the disappearance or coming to an end of symptom or condition such as fever or inflammation

9. music satisfactory conclusion of a harmonic pattern: the movement from a dissonant to a consonant chord or note

10. music final note in a harmonic progression: the note or chord to which the harmony moves when progressing from dissonance to consonance

11. theater part of a story when conflict is resolved: the point in a dramatic work when the conflict is resolved

12. physics See resolving power

13. poetry syllable replacement: the substitution of a long syllable for two short ones in the
rhythm of a line of poetry

[14th century. Directly and via Old French from, ultimately, Latin resolut- , the past participle stem of resolvere (see resolve).]Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

So this there any meaning in this church's sign to the believer? How can a believer seek out regeneration with they have truly be saved by God's grace? They simply cannot. Once saved, always saved. . .if and only if, there was a truly conversion experience! So does not the believer need to seek out resolution and not regeneration?

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