Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Love the Lord with Your Entire Being: Introduction

Mediation on Mark 12:28-34

This past Spring I began an in-depth study on Mark 12:28-34, with focusing on Mark 12:30: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength" (NASB, 1995 Update, emphasis mine). This particular study lead me to into an area that I have never truly given much thought to previously. The question that I sought out to addressed was: What does it mean to love the Lord with all my mind?

To answer this question I found myself reading numerous passages of Scripture and books that dealt with the notion of developing the Christian mind. Furthermore, I sought out to try to discover the full implications on what it means to love the Lord with all my mind. I am still actively involved in this in-depth study. But I hope that what I have learned thus far will be helpful for others in my forthcoming postings. Along the way I will recommend comment on various passages of Scripture that are related to the issue at hand, and I will also recommend books that I have found to be both insightful and helpful in my journey.

1 comment:

Joe Tolin said...

Keep the posts going Jason.