Saturday, July 08, 2006

What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem?: Part I

What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem?, asked Tertullian in the third century. The question is still relevant today for Christians centuries later. In the previous posting entitled How Shall We Live?: The Need for Apologetics, I mentioned that every Christian should be able to clearly explain his or her own reasons why he or she is a Christian. The believers response should be both a reasonable and rational response.

Simply what is meant by the expression reasonable and rational response is this the believers explanation on why he or she is a Christian needs to be presented in a logical and coherent manner. Christianity is both a logical and coherent worldview.

As Christians, we are called to be different from the world. This means, for the Christian, not only living a lifestyle that is different from the world, but also thinking different than the world. Hence, Christians need to develop a distinctly Christian philosophy or worldview. Christians are told that we are to take every thought captive, and the only proper way Christians can be obedient to this command is to have a distinctly Christian philosophy.